Monday, August 10, 2009

Another attempt at Bennett

Having looked at Bennett again it starting to make more sense.

Here's an attempt at a summary

School effectiveness research and School Improvement Research are lacking - Organisational Theory (the author's bias) takes into account Power exchanges within a school which will result in greater effectiveness when looking at how to change a school.


  • Mechanistic views of organisations see structures as fixed and static, changeable only by decisions of those that control them.

  • Organic Views see structures as capable of developing and changing. This is because Membership of organisations change, Purposes can change, What is externally defined as legitimate can change.

Structures can be seen as dynamic reflecting the distribution of power.

There are 3 types of structures:

  1. Physical - eg. buildings

  2. Work - decisions taken that reflect how the work is done eg. Division into faculties etc

  3. Task - What the people within the organisation do

Structures might look rigid but their meaning to individuals within the organisation lies in the way these structures define relationships with colleagues and the areas within which the individual can make decisions. A crucial part of these relations is the power that each individual brings to relationships within the structure.

Power depends on 2 things:

  1. How Central the individual is to the issue being considered

  2. How much freedom the individual has in deciding how to act in response to decisions that are taken

Young describes what he calls an "assumptive world" - In assessing a situation we come to an understanding of it based on our cognitive knowledge of it, our feelings about it, a sense of being required to take some action. This is another Dynamic element within a structure,

Organisational Culture:
Can be "Differentiated" ( usually has a loosely coupled structure), or "Integrative" ( with stronger lines of accountability and control and more emphasis on uniformity)

Cultures shape how individuals act within a structure, ie) what is seen as legitimate action in a given setting

POWER - Hegemony and Discipline

Hegemony - Domination and control rest on both coercion and consent.
Discipline (Foucault) Power is derived from the idea that the person in power has the potential to observe and thus has the ability discipline and punish. Power is not seen as a negative

It is through the day to day working out of little power relations that an individual's 'assumptive world' is formed


Schein (1992) says that the norms and rules that govern one's behaviours in an organisation is created initially by the fonder who gathers together like minded people. Culture is the pattern of rules and norms that come from the basic understanding of the work that is done,. 'cultural players' deploy power resources in order to maintain and create the organisational culture.

The greater the difference in resources between the two parties to an exchange, the more likely it is that one will be able to influence the other to act in a certain way.

Resources can be:

  • Physical - ie force
  • Economic eg) Salary or the means of doing a job.
  • Knowledge - administrative or technical
  • Normative - access to values, ideas, friendship, reputation

When there is a disparity in resources, one person can achieve compliance from the other. It is easier to achieve compliance when the disparity is great.

Cognitive compliance - persuading the person that what you are requiring is correct

Instrumental Compliance - calculation of benefits and advantages.

Organisations are collections of individual members. How individuals relate within these organisations will depend on, the power resources each party has and the degree to which these are seen as valid. Economic resources are legitimised by structural factors whilst other forms are legitimised by cultural factors.

IF YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE CHANGE IN A SCHOOL YOU MUST LOOK BEYOND STRUCTURE INTO ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE. THE POWER DIMENSION PROVIDES A WAY TO DO THIS. The question that needs to be asked is: What sort of power resources will get staff to commit themselves to reforms, rather than merely complying. *** Note this is important for assignment 1

Thank god thats over!!!!

A big Job!

Its becoming increasingly clear to me that the job of teacher librarian is huge!

Friday, August 7, 2009

First Meeting for Assignment 1

We had our first meeting for assignment 1, via the chat room. I thought it went quite well. I was worried that with the clunky nature of the chat room that it might be difficult to come up with consensus, but we did agree on a starting idea, so that is great. Now I need to do some research, so we can come up with a proposal for Roy. I will need to use the journal data base which I find daunting, but if I am going to be a librarian I had better learn quick!

I have managed to get some volunteer work at Santa Sabina, I'm looking forward to this as I am hoping it will give me some experience that I can use when applying for a job.

I have found the reading on Power Structure and Culture (Bennet), virtually unreadable - why be so abstract, when we are talking about a very real thing - a school and its teachers and students? I've only got into the first 10 pages. Maybe it will get better.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Reading 1 504 Donham Summary

I wont be summarising all the readings like this but I thought I'd get on the right track by doing this one this way
  • Technical Competence
  • Conceptual Skill
  • People Skills
  • Judgement
  • Character

Leaders act from an internal focus. ie) What do I have control over. NOT What control do others have over me and the situation.

Good to Great (Collins 2000) -

  • Understand what your strengths are and play to these while aiming to be as good as you can be in other areas.
  • Pursue what you are passionate about (for me at the moment this is info literacy)

Fullan (1996) Vision should have 3 attributes:

  • sharedness - everyone shares the same vision
  • concreteness -the degree to which people can really see what the vision will look like
  • clarity -the degree to which people are skilled at carrying it out


TL leads through influence rather than from a position of control. To have influence the TL must:

  • establish one's expertise
  • work collegially
  • maintain a good "say/do" ratio
  • establish a process for continual assessment and reflection


Key steps are:

  • anticipating what needs to happen,
  • devise a plan to set a course of action
  • organise resources to carry out the plan for success

Strategic Leadership requires

  1. setting standards for performance and measuring performance against those standards
    Involve teachers, students parents etc in setting the direction for the vision.
  2. Opportunism - seize opportunities as they arise


Effective leaders reflect at least once a year on:

  • what they can do differently next year
  • What will I stop doing that I did last year
  • How and when will I know I am making progress

Monday, August 3, 2009

Let the learning begin - 501

Well here I am starting another Semester's reading. I'm going to put notes up for both courses here in the hope that I'll remember more, and the little plant struggling through the cracks ( which definitely represents the sum of my knowledge of ICT ) will grow into a lovely big tree.

Summary of Reading of Herring Chapter 2
Search Engines

- Single Search Engines - eg. Google,Yahoo etc
-Meta Search Engines - apply search key words to a number of search engines eg. Dogpile

Different search engines have different features

Features include:
Boolean logic terms - AND, OR, NOT Default - Most default to AND
Truncation - eg acid*
etc (on p29)

Effective searches

Looked at Noodletools - very helpful for a newby like me.
Based on the purpose of the search

Ask Jeeves – uses everyday language - can put in questions

Librarians need to keep on top of updates in search engines – go to:
Search Engine Showdown –
The Deep web – 500 times larger than the surface web
Much of the material here is in the form of databases and is specialist info, but school can still profit from sources such as those on p40

Went to Noodle tools - “find the best search for your information need”. Looked at “librarians Internet index search and only got 1 hit - not very helpful
Virtual – 4 hits – none looked good – 139 hits – many very relevant to this age group – yay!!!!

After doing all this and stressing because I was trying to get through all of Part 1 on the modules I have had a look at the timetable - what a relief - I don't have to do all this this week! I am used to 401 where you had to read half a library every week.