Sunday, March 15, 2009

Visit to meet Helen - Head of Library Services

Went to meet Helen, the Head Teacher Librarian at my old school. She has moved schools and has generously offered to mentor me. Was interesting being in a school again. The library was designed by the same people who designed the library at me old school and Helen's observations about the lack of transparency in the library - the need for lower shelves so that a feeling of openness was created were interesting.

She answered all my beginners questions about catalogue management. It was very uncomfortable feeling like such a novice, when I am used to being the expert and running a department. I realised that I don't even know the basics - like how to catalogue a book!

Helen is extremely keen on promoting information literacy, and again as a Drama teacher this is not an area I have focused on - I had to ask her exactly what it was even though I have heard the term often enough. However, this is the area I think I am interested in. I want to know more about how to assist learning in a non didactic way. Unfortunately my style has been very teacher directed up until this point and I certainly believe that it is almost impossible to teach the HSC and not do this to some extent. But I want too learn more about learner centred teaching. Helen pointed out some good resources for this.

Feeling quite overwhelmed about the amount of study I need to do. Am wondering if I should drop a subject. We will see.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


This is my first blog. Feel very proud to have done it. Part of the Twenty first Century!
Hopefully I will remember to post every week or so and record my journey on the way to become a teacher librarian.
At the moment Teacher Librarianship seems a long way away from what I was doing before - Drama teaching. But I like the collaborative (hopefully) nature of the role, I love books, and I would like to learn more about technology and student centred learning.
We had a great Teacher Librarian at my old school (am a full time Mum at the moment). She was very up on new technology and very keen to get the teachers to use her, her colleagues and the resources of the library.
I have given her a ring and she has agreed to be my mentor for this course, so I am very happy about that.